25th – 27th. Apr. 2024
Medical degree, dental degree and orthodontic postgraduate program at the University of Siena.

Private practice limited to orthodontics since 1983. Currently in Arezzo(I), Richterswil and Lugano (CH)

Part time assistant Professor at the orthodontic department of the University of Siena from 1993 where he has been responsible for adult orthodontic treatments and teaching of biomechanics until the year 2015.

Affiliated to the orthodontic department of University of Aarhus, Denmark, where he has been involved in the short term and post graduate teaching, since 1992.

Affiliated to the orthodontic department of the University of Buffalo USA, where he has been teaching from 2012 to 2014.

Secretary General of the Italian Orthodontic society in the years 98-99. Vice- president of Italian Society of of Orthodontic Biomechanics in the Years 1999-2002.

President of Biomede

His main professional interests are: orthodontic biomechanics, use of computer within the orthodontic practice (especially related to mechanics design and treatment planning), segmented arch technique and adult orthodontic treatment.

He was responsible for "Adult orthodontics" postgraduate program at the University of Siena, Italy 2002 to 2013.

He currently holds private courses of biomechanics in Italy and Portugal, and is head of the European Orthodontic Biomechanics School, which organizes since 2013 an intensive five-week program attended by orthodontists coming from countries in all continents
Day one
Day one
Introduction: why it is important to have a deep biomechanics knowledge, limits of standard protocol therapies and the need of custom mechanics design.

The 5 pillars: Treatment goal, Needed Force System, Anchorage Evaluation, Stage Definition, Appliance Design. How this sequence can lead to build a better appliance for your patients.

The Occlusogram Procedure: How to evaluate different treatment goals and scenarios, and how this will bring you to see the needed movement.

The Dental Movement Analysis: How the movement can be related to a force system. Very Short introduction to mechanics fundamentals.

The Anchorage Management: How we can evaluate our anchorage needs, how we can increase anchorage without the use of TAD's. When is skeletal anchorage needed, and which is the best approach for it?
Day two
Day two
Cantilever Mechanics: Creative and predictable mechanics that can be used for any problem.

Statically Indeterminate Mechanics: Understand how the wire/bracket system works and its limitation of use.

Arch Expansion: Where is the limit? See what full control over dental arch expansion can lead! Not only class I with crowding, but also class II, class III and Asymmetry cases can have an alternative solution by space opening.

Mandibular Repositioning: See how cases that need a surgical treatment apparently, can be treated with a conservative approach and with no compromise
Day Three - Workshop
Day Three - Workshop
The hands-on course will focus on the skills learned during the 2 days of theory and will emphasize Bending of Passive Transpalatal and Lingual Arches!

*Bending of passive segments
*Some basic activation of TPA and LA
*Bending and activation of plain and complex cantilevers
You must take with you to the course:
  • 1
    Angle (Bird peak)
  • 2
    Weingart or How
  • 3
    Lingual arch forming plier (image)
  • 4
    Ligature cutter
  • 5
    Hard wire cutter
  • 6
  • 7
    Scaler/Pusher instrument
25th – 27th. Apr. 2024
1 500,00 €
27th. Apr. 2024
1 300,00 €
25th – 26th. Apr. 2024
500,00 €
25th – 27th. Apr. 2024